
  • Firstly, don’t drink alcohol two days before your appointment. This is not only because being hungover will feel pretty terrible as soon as you start to hear the buzz of the tattoo machine, but also because alcohol thins the blood, resulting in more bleeding, which makes it harder for the pigment to adhere to your skin and heal correctly.

  • Secondly, get a good night’s rest the night before. You might be surprised at how much getting tattooed can take out of you. No matter how big the piece, you’ll have to sit very still while the artist is working on you, sometimes with your limbs bent in awkward positions. Being well-rested will only make this process go smoother.

  • It’s normal to feel nervous before a session. Whether you’re getting your first and only piece done, or have been getting inked for years now, it’s quite a special ritual to go through. The artist will set everything up so that you are in your most comfortable state.

  • Eat well before getting tattooed, and if it’s a long job, bring snacks for during and after: you’ll be asking quite a lot from your body in the next few hours, and feeling hungry and weak will just make it that much harder to handle the pain. Whole grains are recommended, together with fruits, such as bananas or berries. Try to prepare a healthy lunch or dinner for after the tattooing as well, so all you have to do when you come home is to heat it up. Getting tattooed can take a lot out of you, and you may feel physically exhausted or extremely sleepy afterward.

    Before, during and after getting a tattoo you should always stay hydrated. Make sure to bring a good amount of water to the session.

  • Another thing to keep in mind is the clothing you’ll be wearing; it’s important to wear clothes that will allow easy access to the area where your tattoo will be applied. Also, wear something that you’re ok with getting stained: not only will there sometimes be some ink splatter, but also wound-fluid or even blood. Avoid wearing wool and go with cotton instead.